• The Fiľakovo Castle National Cultural Monument

    The Fiľakovo Castle National Cultural Monument (Photo: Zoltán Schnelczer)

  • Building of Vigadó

    Building of Vigadó (Photo: Gábor Illés)

  • Berchtold Manor House

    Berchtold Manor House (Photo: Zoltán Schnelczer)

  • The City Park

    The City Park (Photo: Zoltán Schnelczer)

  • The Church Devoted to Holy Mary´s Assumption and the Franciscan Monastery

    The Church Devoted to Holy Mary´s Assumption and the Franciscan Monastery (Photo: Zoltán Schnelczer)

  • The Novohrad Tourist and Information Centre

    The Novohrad Tourist and Information Centre

  • Town Hall

    Town Hall


Fiľakovo Town Hall
Radničná 25, 986 01 Fiľakovo
Tel.: +421-(0)47-4381001
Email: mesto@filakovo.sk

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday:
7:30 - 11:30 a.m. /
12:30 - 4:00 p.m.
Friday: 7:30 - 11:30 a.m.

About the project

Name of  project: Slovak-Hungarian GeoTouristic Partnership

Project acronym: GEOTOP

Reference number: SKHU/1902/4.1/038

Program: Interreg VA Slovakia - Hungary

Priority axis: 4. - Enhancing cross-border cooperation of public authorities and people living in the border area

Specific objective: 4.1. Improving the level of cross border inter-institutional cooperation and broadening cross border cooperation between citizens.

Lead Beneficiary: Bükk National Park Directorate

Funding of project: The Project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund in the total amount of 159,578.32 €.

Project grant for the Mesto Fiľakovo: 20 553,00 €

National contribution: 2 418,00 €

Co-financing of the Mesto Fiľakovo: 1 209,00 €

Duration of the project: December 2020 - March 2022

The goal of this project: is to develop and implement new services in the Novohrad-Nógrád Geopark and the Bükk Region Geopark. We consider it important to expand the geotourism network and to train professionally trained tour guides and geotourism specialists, through which the partners provide a training package for tourism service providers and professionals interested in guided tours in order to expand their services. The training package includes general knowledge (on geology, accident prevention, cultural history, biology) and area-specific modules.

Bükki Nemzeti Park logo

Mesto Fiľakovo erb

Activities of the project

  • The two geotourism networks operating in the Geopark area will be connected by creating a cross-border study trail, approx. 7 km of hiking trails will be marked and painted the display of information boards and a rest area, which will increase the number of visitors to the geoparks in the new location. A total of 70 geotopes are being prepared, located in the two Geoparks and on the newly established cross-border hiking trail. The points are recorded in a mobile application.
  • We assess the condition of the study trails on the Slovak side of the Novohrad-Nógrád Geopark and the study trails in the 4 priority areas of the Geopark in the Bükk region. A text report with photos and maps will be prepared for the condition survey. We will renovate the study trails in 4 area of the Bükk Region Geopark (cleaning the trail, painting, renovating the boards) and will create an interactive study trail on one trail.
  • We exchange experiences through study tours for teachers and professionals, as well as business and professional forums in both countries.
  • Through a joint promotional activity, we would like to present both geoparks by producing publications and maps.

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